


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)                                                                                                           Duties and Responsibilities                                                                                                                     Training Plan

Comanche County ARES Certifications:
Amateur Radio Operator
Net Control Operator
High-Frequency Radio Operator
Packet RMS Radio Operator

Incident Command System (ICS):
IS-100.c (ICS-100) Introduction to Incident Command System
IS-200.c (ICS-200) ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
IS-700.b (ICS-700) National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
IS-800.d (ICS-800) National Response Framework, An Introduction

ICS Forms:
ICS 205 (Incident Radio Communication Plan)                                                                                             ICS 211 (Check-in List)                                                                                                                              ICS 213 (General Message)                                                                                                                      ICS 214 (Activity Log)                                                                                                                                ICS 309 (Communication Log)

If you need to speak to someone, please contact the Emergency Coordinator at or (580) 280-1006 for more information.